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Physics textbook and Teacher Edition covers


Physics equips students to ethically engage in the work of physics through a program of instruction, practice, inquiry, and engineering design based on real-world problems. Students will extend their knowledge and skills through strategic modeling and practice, case studies, evaluation of scientific models, and ethics activities. They will also be able to collect and analyze data as well as create their own models using discovery labs, inquiry labs, and collaborative STEM experiences.

20 products

Results for Physics

    • Logos Science Lab Kit for Physics (4th ed.)

      Logos Science Lab Kit for Physics (4th ed.)


      Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery.

    • Physics Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Physics Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.


      The Physics Assessments Answer Key (4th edition) provides the answers and solution for the student tests and quizzes.

    • Physics Assessments, 4th ed.

      Physics Assessments, 4th ed.


      The Physics Assessments (4th edition) includes a quiz for every section of the student edition as well as 25 chapter exams.

    • Physics Lab Manual & Trove eLab Manual, 4th ed.

      Physics Lab Manual & Trove eLab Manual, 4th ed.


      The Physics Lab Manual (4th edition) enables students to collect and analyze data and create and evaluate their own models through guided discovery labs, inquiry labs, and collaborative STEM experiences. The lab manual purposefully offers more lab activities than can be covered in a typical school year. Each chapter includes at least one lab activity, and many have up to three.

    • Physics Lab Manual Teacher Edition, 4th ed.

      Physics Lab Manual Teacher Edition, 4th ed.


      The Physics Teacher Lab Manual (4th edition) includes rubrics for assessing the student lab activities, including STEM and inquiry lab activities. It also includes the full calculations for mathematical problems in the lab manual.

    • Physics Lab Manual, 4th ed.

      Physics Lab Manual, 4th ed.


      The Physics Lab Manual (4th edition) enables students to collect and analyze data and create and evaluate their own models through guided discovery labs, inquiry labs, and collaborative STEM experiences. The lab manual purposefully offers more lab activities than can be covered in a typical school year. Each chapter includes at least one lab activity, and many have up to three.

    • Physics Print & Trove eStudent Edition, 4th ed.

      Physics Print & Trove eStudent Edition, 4th ed.


      The Physics Student Edition (4th edition) introduces students to foundational concepts in physics, including kinematics, dynamics, thermodynamics and matter, electromagnetics, geometric optics and light, and electricity. The student edition has been designed to equip students to ethically engage in the work of physics with instruction and practice focused on real-world problems.

    • Physics Student Edition, 4th ed.

      Physics Student Edition, 4th ed.


      The Physics Student Edition (4th edition) introduces students to foundational concepts in physics, including kinematics, dynamics, thermodynamics and matter, electromagnetics, geometric optics and light, and electricity. The student edition has been designed to equip students to ethically engage in the work of physics with instruction and practice focused on real-world problems.

    • Physics Teacher Edition, 4th ed.

      Physics Teacher Edition, 4th ed.


      The Physics two-volume Teacher Edition (4th edition) provides a wealth of resources for teachers as they empower students to understand and exercise physics from a biblical worldview. The teacher edition provides strategic questions to guide student learning and ethical questions to refine student values. Ethical discussions, case studies, and worldview investigations also serve to support in-class discussion.

    • Physics Trove eAssessments, 4th ed.

      Physics Trove eAssessments, 4th ed.


      The Physics digital assessment set (4th edition) includes a quiz for every section of the student edition.

    • Physics Trove eLab Manual, 4th ed.

      Physics Trove eLab Manual, 4th ed.


      The Physics Lab Manual (4th edition) enables students to collect and analyze data and create and evaluate their own models through guided discovery labs, inquiry labs, and collaborative STEM experiences. The lab manual purposefully offers more lab activities than can be covered in a typical school year. Each chapter includes at least one lab activity, and many have up to three.

    • Physics Trove eStudent Edition, 4th ed.

      Physics Trove eStudent Edition, 4th ed.


      The Physics Student Edition (4th edition) introduces students to foundational concepts in physics, including kinematics, dynamics, thermodynamics and matter, electromagnetics, geometric optics and light, and electricity. The student edition has been designed to equip students to ethically engage in the work of physics with instruction and practice focused on real-world problems.

    • Physics Student Trove eLab Manual, 3rd ed.

      Physics Student Trove eLab Manual, 3rd ed.


    • Physics Trove eStudent Edition, 3rd ed.

      Physics Trove eStudent Edition, 3rd ed.


    • Physics Trove eAssessments, 3rd ed.

      Physics Trove eAssessments, 3rd ed.


      The Physics Assessments (3rd edition) includes a quiz for every section of the student edition. This customizable assessment set is accessible in Trove for use by a single student.

    • Logos Science Lab Kit for Physics, 3rd ed.

      Logos Science Lab Kit for Physics, 3rd ed.


      Used in conjunction with the BJU Press Physics Lab Manual, The Logos Science Physics Addendum and Lab Kit contains information, equipment, and supplies your student needs to experience the world of physics.

    • Physics Lab Manual Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.

      Physics Lab Manual Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.


      With this new edition, your students will discover the real-world importance of physics in exercising biblical dominion in the physical world. They will interact with raw data from actual physical phenomena and historical experiments as they create and evaluate scientific models, just like real physicists, present and past.

    • Physics Student Lab Manual, 3rd ed.

      Physics Student Lab Manual, 3rd ed.


      With this new edition, your students will discover the real-world importance of physics in exercising biblical dominion in the physical world. They will interact with raw data from actual physical phenomena and historical experiments as they create and evaluate scientific models, just like real physicists, present and past.

    • Physics Student Text (3rd ed., Copyright Update)

      Physics Student Text (3rd ed., Copyright Update)


      Physics introduces students to the world of forces, movement, mechanics, and energy in an engaging and clearly written textbook. It also lays the foundations of electricity, magnetism, and optics, and stresses a logical problem-solving approach with many examples and diagrams. Students will put their math skills to use in a derivative approach.

    • Physics Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.

      Physics Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.


      With the Physics Teacher's Edition (3rd ed.; 2 volumes), your students will discover the real-world importance of physics in exercising biblical dominion in the physical world. They will interact with raw data from actual physical phenomena and historical experiments as they create and evaluate scientific models, just like real physicists, present and past.

    Physics Educational Materials

    Student Edition

    The student edition includes multiple features that aid student learning. All chapters include openers, ethics boxes, case studies, and STEM-related and STEM career-related discussions. The student edition engages students with multiple opportunities for discussion and application. The course content is engineered to help students mature from simply taking a science course to engaging with the scientific world around them and progressing in their assessments of current scientific practices.

    Lab Manual

    The lab manual features a minimum of at least one lab per chapter in the student edition. A variety of labs enables teachers to select the lab activities most advantageous for their students and most suitable for the lab environment available to them. These projects will also include STEM and inquiry activities to give students a taste for real-world laboratory work.

    Teacher Edition

    The teacher edition employs numerous strategies to aid student learning. In addition to a cycle of engagement, instruction, application, and assessment, teachers will be able to use multiple demonstrations and activities to deliver the course material. Socratic questioning, graphic exercises, and mathematical reasoning also serve to guide students through the lesson content.