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Our Vision: To empower Christian educators to have an impact on the world for Christ.

Our Mission: To produce Christian educational materials with academic excellence from a biblical worldview.

Because of our commitment to Christian education, BJU Press produces textbooks and materials that support Christian educators in the crucial role they play in teaching students. We shape each textbook according to our core values.

First BJU Press textbook cover

Where We've Been

The printing staff was small—and busy. To expedite getting camera-ready pages to the outside book manufacturer on time, dozens of volunteers from the faculty and staff worked in the evenings to proofread and make corrections. After a heroic team effort, the Physical Science textbook was published in 1974—the first child in what would become a large family of materials for Christian educators. Even before that book was in print, authors had begun work on elementary science textbooks.

Over the next decade, more materials appeared, such as the elementary reading and handwriting series, and philosophy pamphlets on Christian education as well as the first media attempt, a filmstrip series on science.

Video course behind the scenes

In the early 1970s it became apparent that if there were to be academically solid, biblically sound science textbooks, Christian teachers of science would have to write them. George Mulfinger and Emmett Williams, two Christian university professors, agreed and were commissioned to write a high school physical science textbook.

At that time the University Press—as BJU Press was called years ago—had been publishing a few books and booklets by theologians. The machinery—human and otherwise—producing books, booklets, and a periodical, Faith for the Family, was called upon to help prepare the science text manuscript for printing.

BJU Press worker

At one time, BJU Press had one textbook for sale, operated largely with volunteers, and was housed in a 6’ by 10’ room. Today, BJU Press has a complete product line of textbooks and distance-learning materials for K4–Grade 12. Producing and promoting BJU Press textbooks, distance learning classes, and myriad other offerings involves nearly 450 employees—with many talents and skills—in several buildings and even from remote locations. All of these individuals, however, are united behind the same vision that motivated the two science professors who first set out to provide Christian students with a truly Christian perspective in their studies.