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Writing & Grammar 11 textbooks

Writing & Grammar 11

Engage with the Culture

Equip your high school students with the writing and grammar skills they need to communicate in persuasive, engaging ways. Writing & Grammar 11 teaches grammar in the context of writing and focuses on the planning, research, and logic skills needed to compose and deliver clear communication grounded in a solid biblical worldview. Students will be able to apply planning and research strategies, compose a variety of texts on various themes using the writing process, demonstrate grammar and style proficiency in their writing, and deliver communication that is logically sound, engaging, and Christlike.

15 products

Results for 11th Grade Writing & Grammar

    Writing & Grammar 11 Educational Materials

    Student Worktext

    With 18 chapters spread across 6 new thematic units, the worktext combines systematic grammar and writing instruction. Students learn grammar in the context of writing and receive additional instruction in persuasive, informative, and narrative writing. QR codes in the worktext link students to extra tutorials and practice on

    Teacher Edition

    The redesigned teacher edition implements the teaching cycle (engage, instruct, apply, assess) and includes many engaging strategies and teaching notes. New writing opportunities for students are included, along with differentiated instruction and new instructional aids (rubrics and activities). The teacher edition provides QR codes for Additionally, many new resources have been added in BJU Press Trove™.

    Assessments and Answer Key

    Six unit tests and a final exam are provided to assess student learning. Concept reinforcements to support ELL and struggling students and preassessments to gauge student needs are also included.