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Heritage Studies 4 Distributor Kit, 4th ed.

Heritage Studies 4 enables students to summarize American history as well as analyze the cultures of America’s states, regions, and territories. Students will learn to examine individual actions, pivotal decisions, and cultural movements from a biblical worldview. This course also teaches students to assess the impact of the Christian faith on American culture and form a biblical worldview on the topics of environment, citizenship, and economics.

Christian School Pricing
BJU Press
4th ed.
Distributor Kit
Grade Level
BJU Press

Heritage Studies 4 enables students to summarize American history as well as analyze the cultures of America’s states, regions, and territories. Students will learn to examine individual actions, pivotal decisions, and cultural movements from a biblical worldview. This course also teaches students to assess the impact of the Christian faith on American culture and form a biblical worldview on the topics of environment, citizenship, and economics. The Heritage Studies 4 Kit contains all the necessary materials for teaching Heritage Studies 4.

Teaching Heritage Studies 4

Geographic Layout

The course content is organized according to the major regions and sub-regions of the United States and includes all fifty states along with the five inhabited United States territories. Each chapter in the student edition provides an overview of a specific region followed by discussions of each state in that region.

Scenic Visuals

The course includes numerous captivating illustrations including maps, artwork, infographics, and more to create an appealing book that students will enjoy. Full-page illustrations also invite your child to experience unique aspects of culture in a state or territory.

Literary Insights

Each chapter includes a literature or music selection which represents the region being covered. These excerpts will give intriguing and emotional insights into the history, environment, and culture of each region.

State Notebook Activities

Each chapter concludes with a state notebook lesson that discusses in-depth a general aspect of a state’s history, government, economy, environment, or culture. Students will then explore that particular aspect in a state of their choice. By the end of the academic year, they will have constructed a state notebook with detailed discussions of multiple facets of their chosen state.