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Heritage Studies 3 Student Text, 3rd ed.

The BJU Press Heritage Studies materials are a presentation of social studies that integrates civics, culture, economics, geography, and history. Heritage Studies 3 includes an age-appropriate study of civics and government and evaluates historical events in United States history from the Constitutional Convention through the Civil War, all from a Christian worldview. This study highlights the role of significant Christians in American history and their viewpoints on historical events.

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BJU Press
3rd ed.
320 pp.
Grade Level
BJU Press
The BJU Press Heritage Studies materials are a presentation of social studies that integrates civics, culture, economics, geography, and history. Heritage Studies 3 includes an age-appropriate study of civics and government and evaluates historical events in United States history from the Constitutional Convention through the Civil War, all from a Christian worldview. This study highlights the role of significant Christians in American history and their viewpoints on historical events. Primary source documents, patriotic songs, eye-catching artwork, maps, graphs, photos, review questions, and extended hands-on activities enhance learning.

Continue to learn more about the time period covered in Heritage Studies 3 with the historical novels Captive Treasure and Carolina's Courage.

Heritage Studies 3, 3rd ed., contains 90 lessons. Continue to learn more about the time period covered in Heritage Studies 4 with the historical novels Captive Treasure and Carolina's Courage.