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259 products

Results for JourneyForth

    • A Woman of Prayer: A Women's Bible Study

      A Woman of Prayer: A Women's Bible Study


      In her uplifting and practical Bible study, Betty Henderson invites you to live life as A Woman of Prayer. Believers acknowledge that prayer is an integral part of Christian living, but how many of us know what prayer entails? From the basic “Prayer Principles” to the realities of “Prayer Practiced,” Henderson takes Christian women step-by-step through Scripture, demystifying our prayer life with a challenge to simply converse with the God, Who hears.

    • Adventures of an Arctic Missionary Series

      Adventures of an Arctic Missionary Series


    • Alive to the Purpose: The Readerly Reading of Scripture

      Alive to the Purpose: The Readerly Reading of Scripture


      Alive to the Purpose by Ron Horton encourages laypeople and Bible scholars alike to read the Bible as readers, and not just as students. Not only should we be looking for meaning and inspirational concepts when we read the Bible, but we should also be reading it for the sheer pleasure of reading.

    • American History in Verse

      American History in Verse


      American History in Verse by Burton Stevenson tells again the story of America, in terms of poetry, to highlight the principles upon which the Republic was founded and the ideals that have grown up about it. No nation exists today of which its people have a better right to be proud than these United States of America. This book is an effort to show why this is so.

    • Arrow



      Arrow, the final novel in the Gadallan trilogy by Dawn L. Watkins, presents the royal children of King Trave of Gadalla. Princess Kalti and Crown Prince Bhrus struggle with the expectations placed upon their shoulders.

    • Avery's Battlefield

      Avery's Battlefield


      Avery’s Battlefield, by Deanna K. Klingel, is a historical fiction novel for young adults about a boy, a dog, and their search for peace in the first years of the Civil War. Avery and his dog, Gunner, have a good life in Kanawha Valley—a loving family, a prosperous farm, and a warm community of friends.

    • Avery's Crossroad

      Avery's Crossroad


      Avery’s skills as a doctor and his dog Gunner’s friendly personality make the pair a welcome sight to the soldiers in the Civil War hospitals. But mending wounds is not the only challenge Avery faces. Dwindling supplies, insufficient medical facilities, and local troublemakers add to the stress of the war.

    • Basics for Believers (revised edition)

      Basics for Believers (revised edition)


      Basics for Believers: An Introduction to Christian Growth guides new believers as they take their first steps on the Christian journey. It addresses key issues for all followers of Christ, such as regular Bible reading, coming before God in prayer, witnessing to others, and meeting with other believers, and it offers resources that help new believers continue to grow closer to God on a daily basis.

    • Be Confident in Your Calling

      Be Confident in Your Calling


      In Be Confident in Your Calling, Nate Thomas focuses on the spiritual doldrums, a place of doubt, discouragement, and apathy in the Christian’s walk with God. Using the book of Hebrews, he explores the factors that can lead you into these dangerous waters and shows how you can sail back into the trade winds of a close relationship with your Savior, renewing the passion and vigor you once had for God.

    • Behold the City

      Behold the City


      Behold the City by pastor and New York City church planter Matthew Recker provides a realistic and hard-hitting look at the vast needs of the city and a jubilant celebration of how the gospel of Christ can, and is, meeting those needs and healing the wounded. He pours out his burden for urban ministry, challenging Christians to hear the cries of the lost in large metropolitan areas. He shares his personal testimony of God’s protection and provision in the dark heart of the concrete jungle.

    • Benjamin's Sling

      Benjamin's Sling


      Benjamin’s Sling by Eileen M. Berry is a poetic version of the Christmas story through the eyes of a young shepherd. One night, a group of angels tells Benjamin and the other shepherds of a newborn Savior.

    • Bible Reading Guide

      Bible Reading Guide


      Read through the Bible in 365 daily readings.

    • Bible Reading Guide (50 pack)

      Bible Reading Guide (50 pack)


      Read through the Bible in 365 daily readings.

    • BJ BookLinks: Carolina's Courage (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: Carolina's Courage (guide only)


      BookLinks: Carolina's Courage is geared toward the advanced reader (for use with Reading 2). An in-depth study of this novel links literature to content areas and life skills. A laminated folder provives background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets.

    • BJ BookLinks: Children of the Storm (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: Children of the Storm (guide only)


      Children of the Storm is an autobiography of Natasha Vins which reveals the struggles and triumphs of her faith in God amidst the persecution and hardships of growing up in the Soviet Union. In her teen years, Natasha begins to see doors close to those who remain faithful to Christ. Now she must count the cost and decide for herself whether she wants to pay the price.

    • BJ BookLinks: Jenny Wren (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: Jenny Wren (guide only)


      BookLinks: Jenny Wren is geared toward the average reader. An in-depth study of this junior novel links literature (for use with Reading 3) to content areas and life skills. A laminated folder provides background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets.

    • BJ BookLinks: Medallion (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: Medallion (guide only)


      An in-depth study of this junior novel links literature (for use with Reading 4) to content areas and life skills. A laminated folder provides background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets. The 60-page guide includes lessons, practical scriptural applications, and dozens of reproducible activity pages.

    • BJ BookLinks: Medallion Set (guide & novel)

      BJ BookLinks: Medallion Set (guide & novel)


      An in-depth study of this junior novel (for use with Reading 4) links literature to content areas and life skills. A laminated folder provides background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets. The 60-page guide includes lessons, practical scriptural applications, and dozens of reproducible activity pages.

    • BJ BookLinks: Mountain Born (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: Mountain Born (guide only)


      BookLinks: Mountain Born is geared toward the advanced reader (for use with Reading 4) . An in-depth study of this junior novel links literature to content areas and life skills. A laminated folder provides background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets. The 60-page guide includes lessons, practical scriptural applications, and dozens of reproducible activity pages. Includes teaching guide only.

    • BJ BookLinks: On Yonder Mountain Set (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: On Yonder Mountain Set (guide only)


      An in-depth study of this novel links literature (for use with Reading 1) to content areas and life skills. It develops a student's ability to understand and evaluate what he reads. A laminated folder provides background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets. The teaching guide includes lessons, practical scriptural applications, and dozens of reproducible activity pages. Includes teaching guide only.

    • BJ BookLinks: The Lost Prince of Samavia (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: The Lost Prince of Samavia (guide only)


      BJ BookLinks are designed to be an integral part of the reading program. These studies link novels to content areas (science, Heritage Studies, math) and life skills (cooking, music, crafts). Each set includes a pocket folder with directions for enrichment activities; a teaching guide with lesson plans, vocabulary, and reproducible work pages; and the novel.

    • BJ BookLinks: The Secret of the Golden Cowrie (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: The Secret of the Golden Cowrie (guide only)


      An in-depth study of this junior novel links literature (for use with Reading 5) to content areas and life skills. It develops a student's ability to understand and evaluate what he reads. A laminated folder provides background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets. The teaching guide includes lessons, practical scriptural applications, and dozens of reproducible activity pages. Includes teaching guide only.

    • BJ BookLinks: Trouble at Silver Pines Inn (guide only)

      BJ BookLinks: Trouble at Silver Pines Inn (guide only)


      An in-depth study of this junior novel links literature (for use with Reading 6) to content areas and life skills. It develops a student's ability to understand and evaluate what he reads. A laminated folder provides background information, enrichment activities, and useful storage pockets. The teaching guide includes lessons, practical Scriptural applications, and dozens of reproducible activity pages. Includes teaching guide only.

    • Brave the Wild Trail

      Brave the Wild Trail


      Milly Howard’s Brave the Wild Trail is historical fiction set after the Civil War when Florida was one long stretch of wilderness. Twelve-year-old Josh Bramlett and his family dream of buying ranch land. But before they do, they must sell their first herd cattle, and it is a very long and dangerous journey to market.

    • Buying Samir

      Buying Samir


      Set in the world of international child slavery, Buying Samir is the second book in India’s Street Kid series by Kimberly Rae. Jasmina dreams of the day when her family will all be reunited. When missionaries Asha and Mark go on summer break, Jasmina leaves safety to search for Samir alone and discovers that her brother is now working for the men that once enslaved them.

    • Captive Treasure

      Captive Treasure


      Milly Howard’s Captive Treasure is historical fiction set in the mid-1850s. Traveling west across America with her family, Carrie Talbot enjoys all the excitement of the trail. But when a Cheyenne raiding party attacks the wagon train, Carrie is taken away to the Indians’ riverside camp, far from everyone she loves.

    • Capturing Jasmina

      Capturing Jasmina


      Capturing Jasmina, fiction for young adult readers by Kimberly Rae, is the story of Jasmina, a young girl in India, and her brother, Samir. The children are sold by their father to a man promising them an education and good jobs. But, as Jasmina and Samir soon discover, the man is providing an education, not in a school, but as a slave in his sweatshop garment factory.

    • Careful Enough?

      Careful Enough?


      In Careful Enough?, a Christian fiction by Dillon Forbes, God calls Daniel’s parents to move to China, where missionaries are illegal, and establish a house church. Daniel has a choice: stay in America for his last year of high school or spend ten months in a country where he can say only the word "Christian" to trusted friends.

    • Carolina's Courage

      Carolina's Courage


      Carolina's Courage by award-winning author Elizabeth Yates is historical fiction set in America in the 1850s. Carolina Putnam's family is moving by covered wagon from the rocky soil of New Hampshire to the wide-open land of Nebraska.

    • Charlie



      Charlie is the continuing story of missionaries Steve and Liz Bailey, written by Gloria Repp for middle-grade readers. With their trusty sled dogs, led by the half-wolf Mik-Shrok, Steve and Liz expand their ministry to the Eskimos of the Alaska Territory. Fierce blizzards, thin ice, and flesh-freezing cold threaten the Baileys every day.