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Results for JourneyForth

    • The Gardener's Gold Ring

      The Gardener's Gold Ring


      The Gardener’s Gold Ring is a read-aloud picture book by Nancy Bopp, beautifully illustrated by Christina L. Mutchler. When a gardener loses his wedding ring, a long, hard search fails to bring it back.

    • The Glory Due His Name: What God Says About Worship

      The Glory Due His Name: What God Says About Worship


      Gary Reimers provides a theology of public worship in The Glory Due His Name. Traditional, contemporary, or blended? Worship philosophy may be the most divisive issue in church leadership today. Many churches simply offer multiple styles.

    • The Gospel of Mark

      The Gospel of Mark


      D. Edmond Hiebert covers the Gospel of Mark in this expositional commentary. Following Mark’s overall purpose through each clause, Hiebert deals with the Greek text and Markan scholarship while remaining accessible to lay and English-only readers.

    • The Gospel of the King: A Commentary on Matthew

      The Gospel of the King: A Commentary on Matthew


      The Gospel of the King is Stewart Custer’s commentary on Matthew for personal Bible study or sermon preparation. Longtime chairman of the Division of Bible at Bob Jones University, Custer blends expertise and gentleness. Original translation and practical applications accompany his exposition.

    • The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day

      The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day


      The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day by award-winning author Scott O'Dell is historical fiction set in Europe during the 1500s. In this Christian fiction book Tom Barton and his uncle Jack are smugglers who are used to breaking the law. With quick wits and secret cargo holds, they have managed to make a comfortable living.

    • The Hidden Village

      The Hidden Village


      The Hidden Village tells the story of Manju, a young boy from West Bengal, India, who acts out the story of Zacchaeus. From the top of the tallest mangrove tree, he finds a hidden village deep in the forest. He wants to do everything he can to help the hungry people in the little village. But what can he do when the people in his village won’t believe his story, and even wild animals and the weather seem determined to stop him from helping?

    • The Incredible Rescues

      The Incredible Rescues


      The Incredible Rescues by Ed Dunlop is the third book in the Young Refugees Series. This historical fiction story details the exciting adventures of fourteen-year-old Hans and his younger sister, Gretchen, in numerous close calls with Nazi soldiers. Hans and Gretchen assist the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg by delivering food, messages, and hope to the many Jewish people in various locations around the city of Budapest.

    • The Journeyman

      The Journeyman


      The Journeyman by award-winning author Elizabeth Yates is historical fiction set in New Hampshire in the early 1800s. Jared Austin arrives in New England with the skills of an itinerant painter, and he hopes to brighten the drab farmhouse walls with his colors. But the year has been a fruitless one for farmers, and they are searching for someone to blame.

    • The Law and the Christian: God's Light Within God's Limits

      The Law and the Christian: God's Light Within God's Limits


      Ken Casillas explores whether Christians are under the law in The Law and the Christian. Reformed theology and theonomy emphasize intertestamental continuity and subjection to the law, but dispensationalism and Lutheranism emphasize discontinuity and freedom. Casillas says Christians are both under and not under the law.

    • The Long Ride Home

      The Long Ride Home


      The Long Ride Home recounts the journey of two young children from New York to the farmlands of Iowa. Families are willing to adopt young orphans like Emma, but Bert might have to find work on a farm. He has a lot to learn about farm life. Each day brings new lessons, from milking cows to being kind, and new fears. More than a place to live, he needs a family to love. Will he find a home in Iowa with his sister? Or will he take the long train ride back to New York?

    • The Lost Prince of Samavia

      The Lost Prince of Samavia


      The Lost Prince of Samavia, classic fiction by Frances Hodgson Burnett, is a tale of mystery, adventure, and international espionage. Marco Loristan, a twelve-year-old refugee, and his friend, a hunchback orphan named The Rat, embark on a dangerous journey across Europe to bring freedom to Marco’s war-torn homeland of Samavia. Although only boys, they play a vital role in a plan to return Samavia’s true ruler from the long-lost royal line to his rightful throne.

    • The Man You Could Be

      The Man You Could Be


      In the Bible study The Man You Could Be, Paul W. Downey draws practical lessons from the struggles and successes of Joshua, a young man who became all that he could be for God. Young Christian men sometimes think that becoming godly happens suddenly and without warning at the age of eighteen or twenty-one or even older.

    • The Mystery at Number 31, New Inn

      The Mystery at Number 31, New Inn


      The Mystery at Number 31, New Inn, a classic mystery by R. Austin Freeman, relates a puzzling tale from an earlier century. In the grand tradition of the great sleuths brought to life by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle comes John Thorndyke, cerebral, meticulous, British.

    • The Mystery of Pelican Cove

      The Mystery of Pelican Cove


      The Mystery of Pelican Cove by Milly Howard is the sequel to her other Christian fiction book, The Treasure of Pelican Cove. In this adventure, Jimmy sights a strange water creature and gets the whole community in an uproar. A mystery book for kids, this novel keeps readers turning pages to see just where all the chaos will lead. And they will not see the ending coming. Any collection of mysteries for kids would be incomplete without this book.

    • The Next Fine Day

      The Next Fine Day


      The Next Fine Day is historical fiction by award-winning author Elizabeth Yates. Each spring for hundreds of years, the herons have returned to Chilham, England, but only now have they become important to Kent. Their departure this fall marks the beginning of a new life for his mother, who has closed her heart to love, and for Kent, who thinks of himself as Nobody. Kent’s life is changed forever when he meets an artist who has come to paint the herons of Chilham.

    • The Old Man in the Corner

      The Old Man in the Corner


      In The Old Man in the Corner, a classic mystery by Baroness Orczy, an old man in a tea shop gives reporter Polly Burton detailed accounts of several unsolved murders and robberies, presenting his own indisputable solution to each mystery. Fascinated by the old man's odd habits and sharp wit, Polly begins to realize that clear and logical thinking is the most powerful weapon available to a detective or a murderer.

    • The Princess and the Goblin

      The Princess and the Goblin


      In George MacDonald’s classic fantasy, The Princess and the Goblin, Princess Irene discovers her beautiful great-great-grandmother spinning silver thread in the palace tower. But when no one will believe her tales of the secret tower, Irene’s confidence begins to waver. The Princess and the Goblin is a delightful, meaningful tale of love, bravery, and the importance of faith.

    • The Railway Children

      The Railway Children


      In the classic novel by E. Nesbit, The Railway Children, Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis suddenly find their lives turned upside down. One evening two strangers come to their beautiful villa and take their father away.

    • The Red House Mystery

      The Red House Mystery


      The Red House Mystery is a classic mystery by A.A. Milne, set in a British mansion with an abundance of characters and curious clues. When the body of Mr. Mark Ablett’s brother Robert is discovered in the study of the Red House, Antony Gillingham and his friend Bill decide to investigate. As they hunt for clues, Antony realizes that the murderer is still in the house, and it could be anyone.This JourneyForth classic is a light abridgement of the original novel.

    • The Righteousness of God: A Commentary on Romans

      The Righteousness of God: A Commentary on Romans


      The Righteousness of God is Stewart Custer’s commentary on Romans for personal Bible study or sermon preparation. Longtime chairman of the Division of Bible at Bob Jones University, Custer blends expertise and gentleness. Original translation and practical applications accompany his exposition.

    • The Search for the Silver Eagle

      The Search for the Silver Eagle


      The Search for the Silver Eagle by Ed Dunlop is historical fiction that tells the exciting WWII story of twelve-year-old Hans, his father, and his younger sister as they are pursued by the Nazis from Switzerland to France. In this book Hans and Gretchen not only escape to safety, but also help the locals resist the Germans, rescue a downed American pilot, and recover the prototype weapon that must not fall into enemy hands during their harrowing chases and narrow escapes.

    • The Secret of the Golden Cowrie

      The Secret of the Golden Cowrie


      In Gloria Repp’s Christian fiction novel, The Secret of the Golden Cowrie, Connie Lawrence loves secrets, and when Aunt Laura shares one with her, it leads them both to a puzzle connected with a beautiful—and very valuable—golden cowrie shell that once belonged to Connie’s uncle. This mystery book from JourneyForth Books follows Connie as she plunges in to get the answers to the puzzling shell and a deeper understanding of her family.

    • The Seventh One

      The Seventh One


      In The Seventh One, a fiction by Elizabeth Yates, Tom Wilson passes through life possessing in turn seven dogs. Each of these "best friends" comes with its own gift, such as comfort when Tom feels life’s deepest wound and purpose when it’s time to move ahead. Bre’er, Tag, Laird, Dawn, Victor, Nell, and Una are all very different dogs, and in these heartwarming tales of their lives, each dog offers Tom love in a different way.

    • The Spelling Window

      The Spelling Window


      In The Spelling Window, a picture book by Dawn. L. Watkins and illustrated by John Roberts, Shelly learns how to be a friend to her deaf neighbor Seth after an accident causes her to re-evaluate her actions.

    • The Stars Speak , 2nd ed.

      The Stars Speak , 2nd ed.


      This book is a welcome return to the central theme of the heavens, the “glory of God.” Has modern astrology, in its effort to read the stars, missed their message entirely? Can it be that what the heavens communicate is far more glorious, far more intimate than what the casual observer has ever dreamed? From asteroids to the star of Bethlehem, The Stars Speak reveals not only the Creator’s grand and masterful designs but also His matchless and loving condescension to mankind.

    • The Thriving Church: The True Measure of Growth

      The Thriving Church: The True Measure of Growth


      The Thriving Church: The True Measure of Growth studies Paul’s message to the body of Christ in Ephesians 4:1–16. After Dean Taylor explores what church growth is, what causes it, and what affects it, he also addresses what we, as members of the body of Christ, should be doing to help our churches grow. Taylor’s message is designed not just for pastors, for church leaders, or Sunday school teachers.

    • The Treasure Keeper

      The Treasure Keeper


      Anita Williams’ The Treasure Keeper is a whimsical book for kids but with real take-away value. In this delightful fiction, spunky Marcos tries to find out how to prove he is big enough to work with his father and his uncle in the street market. Along the way he and his goats have a grand adventure in which Marcos finds many treasures and in the end makes the best discovery of all—about himself.

    • The Triumph of Truth: A Life of Martin Luther

      The Triumph of Truth: A Life of Martin Luther


      The Triumph of Truth by Merle d’Aubigné is a Christian biography about Martin Luther (1483–1546), leader of the Reformation. God’s grace transformed him from a fearful monk in anguish about his salvation into a giant of the faith who shook Europe by declaring boldly again the words of Paul: "The just shall live by faith".

    • The Wilderness Within: Exploring Women's Spiritual Struggles

      The Wilderness Within: Exploring Women's Spiritual Struggles


      Beneth Peters Jones writes directly to her readers’ hearts with this guidebook to the struggles of The Wilderness Within. Drawing intriguing parallels from the Israelites’ forty years of wilderness wandering, Jones puts the struggles and temptations of today’s Christian women into biblical perspective.

    • The Window in the Wall

      The Window in the Wall


      The Window in the Wall follows young Talia as she faces the fear and dangers of a strange army approaching her city, Jericho. The true story of Rahab and the fall of Jericho weaves together with this tale of Talia, Rahab’s niece, and her family. Will they accept Aunt Rahab’s strange new God before the army comes to destroy the city? This story gives 9–12 year olds a new perspective on a familiar event in the Bible.