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Resources for a Christian Philosophy of Education

These references have been included on this page by BJU Press to help the reader acquire a wide scope of knowledge concerning how to start and maintain a Christian school. The fact that they are included on this page should not, however, be construed as endorsement of the entire contents, other works by the same author(s) or other materials by the same publisher.

General Philosophy

Geisler, Norman L. Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Perspective. Baker, 1987.

Mead, Hunter. Types and Problems of Philosophy. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965.

Veith, Gene Edward, Jr. Postmodern Times: A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture. Crossway, 1994.

Christian Educational Philosophy

Adams, Jay E. Back to the Blackboard: Design for a Biblical Christian School.  Timeless Texts, 1998.

Beversluis, Nicholas. Christian Philosophy of Education. National Union of Christian Schools, 1971.

Byrne, H. W. A Christian Approach to Education: Educational  Theory and Application. Mott Media, 1977.

Clark, Gordon H. A Christian Philosophy of Education. Trinity Foundation, 1988.
(out of print)

Jaarsma, Cornelius R. Fundamentals in Christian Education: Theory and Practice. W.B. Eerdmans, 1953.

DeJong, Norman. Education and the Truth. P & R Publishing, 1990.

Dendy, Marshall C. Changing Patterns in Christian Education. John Knox Press, 1964.

Gangel, Kenneth O. and Warren S. Benson. Christian Education: Its History and Philosophy. Wipf & Stock, 2002.

Groome, Thomas H. Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story and Vision.  Jossey-Bass, 1999.

Horton, Ronald, ed. Handbook of Christian Education BJU Press. 2017.

Kienel, Paul A. Philosophy of Christian School Education. ASCI, 1998.

Knight, George R. Philosophy and Education: An Introduction in Christian Education. Andrews U Press, 2006.

LeBar, Lois E. Education That is Christian.  David C. Cook, 2000.

Machen, J. Gresham. Education, Christianity, and the State. Trinity Foundation, 2004.

Mayers, Marvin K, et. al. Reshaping Evangelical Higher Education. Zondervan, 1972.

Miller, Randolph Crump. Education for Christian Living. Prentice-Hall, 1963.
Pazmino, Robert W. Foundational Issues in Christian Education: An Introduction in Evangelical Perspective. Baker, 2008.

Peterson, Michael L. With All Your Mind: A Christian Philosophy of Education. University of Notre Dame Press, 2001.

Richards, Lawrence O. A Theology of Christian Education. Zondervan, 1980.

Rushdoony, Rousas J. The Messianic Character of American Education: Studies in the History of the Philosophy of Education. Craig Press, 1972.

Sanner, A Elwood. Exploring Christian Education. Nazarene, 2004.

Sealey, John. Religious Education: Philosophical Perspectives (Introductory Studies in the Philosophy of Education). Unwin Hyman, 1985.

Simpson, Douglas J. Christian Education: An Introduction to Its Scope. Randall House, 1979.

Thompson, Norma H. Religious Education and Theology. Religious Education Press, 1982.

Wilhoit, James C., and John M. Dettoni, eds. Nuture That Is Christian: Developmental Perspectives on Christian Education. Baker 1995.

Wilhoit, James C. Christian Education and the Search for Meaning. Baker, 1991.

Willis, Wesley W. Make Your Teaching Count. Victor, 1985.

Secular Educational Philosophy

Blumenfeld, Samuel L. Is Public Education Necessary? Paradigm, 1985.

Dawson, Christopher. The Crisis of Western Education. Franciscan U P, 1989.

Gatto, John Taylor. Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. New Society, 2002.

Peterson, Michael L. Philosophy of Education: Issues and Options (Contours of Christian Philosophy). Intervarsity, 1986.

Power, Edward J. Philosophy of Education: Studies in Philosophies Schooling and Educational Policies. Waveland, 1990.


Eavey, Benton C. History of Christian Education. Moody, 1964.

Furnish, Dorothy Jean. DRE/DCE:--The History of a Profession. Christian Educator’s Fellowship, 1976.

Gangel, Kenneth O. and Warren S. Benson. Christian Education: Its History and Philosophy. Wipf & Stock, 2002.

Reed, James E., and Ronnie Prevost. History of Christian Education. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998.

Towns, Elmer L. A History of Religious Educators. Baker, 1985.

Willis, Wesley. 200+ Years—And Still Counting! Past Present, and Future of the Sunday School. Victor, 1979.