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Phonics and English 1 worktext and textbook covers

Phonics & English 1

A Foundation for Communication

Give your early learners the foundation they need to read and communicate for life. Phonics & English 1 endeavors to cultivate foundational phonics and English skills in students so they can become proficient readers and communicate in helpful ways. Students will develop a foundational knowledge of English grammar and mechanics as well as collaborative, listening, and speaking skills. Students will also learn to apply biblical worldview themes such as loving God and others, helpfulness, perseverance, joy, and creativity.

23 products

Results for 1st Grade English

    How We Teach Phonics & English 1

    Playful Sounds

    Fun games and captivating videos on Teacher Tools Online help students review familiar sounds and prepare them to combine those sounds with new ones. These activities also prepare young students to listen for facts and details and carefully follow directions.

    Exciting Learning

    Phonics songs, colorful visuals, and awareness activities help students grasp new phonetic concepts, group similar sounds, break down words into syllables, and recognize rhyming words. Students will also learn how to build words and identify the subject and verb components of sentences. Eventually, students will progress to writing complete sentences, using the writing process, and evaluating their work based on what they’ve learned.

    Careful Practice

    Students will have daily guided worktext practice pages to help them review what they have learned. Phonics Storybooks are also included to help students break down sentences, identify important sentence parts, and create new sentences of their own. Students will also learn to interpret pictures and match pictures with their appropriate sounds.

    Helpful Assessment

    Student activities will show teachers how well young students are handling content from the daily lessons. Six unit tests are also included to enable teachers to measure student comprehension and application.

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    Phonics & English 1 Educational Materials

    Student Worktext

    The student worktext features memorable phonics characters to help students learn the principles of phonics through word family and syllable instruction. Writing and grammar skills are introduced with a simple, natural approach that begins with sentences and progresses to short paragraphs. Chapter reviews also offer consistent indications of student comprehension.

    Teacher Edition

    The teacher edition empowers teacher instruction using the research-based four-step teaching cycle: engage, instruct, apply, and assess. Teachers will have multi-modal activities for reviewing previous lesson content as well as engaging online videos to build background knowledge. Teachers will also be able to deliver lesson content in simple ways using visuals, songs, auditory activities, and more. The teacher edition will also assist teachers as they guide student worktext practice and provide extra activities to check on student progress. Listening selections focus on biblical worldview applications and phonics concepts and select mentor texts are included as examples for writing projects.